Now that your van has been transformed into a functional masterpiece, it’s time to turn it into a fortress against crime and a sanctuary for safety. We can incorporate hidden compartments for self defense tools and valuables, remote monitoring systems, motion lights, cameras, and even GPS trackers. We will help you determine the right combination of solutions to keep you, your gear, and your ride secure and out of harm’s way.



It’s nice to have a hidden storage for your valuables, cash, and firearms. Even if someone does make it into your van they may gloss right over that wad of cash hidden in your super secret wall compartment. These compartments can be designed to be quickly accessible in the event of a self-defense scenario. For many of our female, full time van lifers being able to stage your vehicle for chaos in an effective way makes traveling to remote areas alone much more approachable. You are your own first responder, stay prepared.


Monitoring systems like the Brandmotion FVMR 1150 constantly records in real time to protect you and your assets from liability. When an event is unfolding like road rage, hit and run, or an accident you're gonna want to back-up your word with indisputable evidence. Also, an extra set of eyes when making lane changes doesn’t hurt either.


Back up cameras are another great safety feature for your campervan. They help you avoid collisions by giving you a clear view of what's behind you. For most cases a back-up camera is a good excuse to upgrade that dated radio as well. Look for back up cameras that provide high-quality images in both day and nighttime conditions.


So you got your new adventure van with a full build, bumpers, roof rack, the works. With the addition of these components, odds are your field of vision has been obstructed in some way shape or form. When backing into a parking spot or navigating through a busy parking lot you will be thankful for a heads up when you're about to hit an obstacle, car, grandmother, etc.


GPS trackers are a great security addition for your campervan. Especially if you rent it out or let your sketchy in-laws borrow your rig. This tracker allows you to track the current and recent locations, speed, and direction of travel of your vehicle in real-time. Either yourself or the authorities can recover it quickly in case of theft or a breakdown. We like GPS trackers that are discreet and difficult for thieves to find and disconnect.


Alarm systems are a tried and true security upgrade that can help deter thieves. Outside of just making noise these systems have options like immobilizers, remote start, and 2-way remotes that send you notifications if there is an event unfolding. Also, it’s nice to just push a button to walk into a comfortable vehicle with the climate control on full blast.


Reach out and let us know where you are in your van life journey.